2004-05-27(木) 曇 [長年日記]
_ 某講習 三日目
講師が使っている Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 がこおりまくり、というか某アプリケーションがメモリ喰い過ぎです。
_ いづ味の満福せいろに喝!!
_ FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE
The current plans are for one more FreeBSD 4.X release which will be FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE. It is expected the upcoming FreeBSD 5.3 release will have reached the maturity level most users will be able to migrate to 5.X. Most developer resources continue to be devoted to the 5.X branch.
[FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE Announcementより引用]
FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE も出るようですね。
_ portupgrade devel/libbonobo archivers/unzip
libbonobo-2.6.0 < needs updating (port has 2.6.1) unzip-5.50_2 < needs updating (port has 5.51)