2010-01-18(月) 曇のち晴 安静時心拍数 61 [長年日記]
_ IronPythonとSWIGの連携調査
C:\sample>ipy setup.py build_ext --swig-cpp running build_ext building '_sample' extension --swig-cpp is deprecated - use --swig-opts=-c++ swigging sample.i to sample_wrap.cpp C:\swigwin-1.3.40\swig.exe -python -c++ -o sample_wrap.cpp sample.i error: Python was built with Visual Studio version 6, and extensions need to be built with the same version of the compiler, but it isn't installed.
今は--swig-cppでなく--swig-opts=-c++ですね。にしても、「Python was built with Visual Studio version 6」って古すぎです。
C:\sample>ipy setup.py build_ext --swig-opts=-c++ running build_ext building '_sample' extension swigging sample.i to sample_wrap.cpp C:\swigwin-1.3.40\swig.exe -python -c++ -o sample_wrap.cpp sample.i error: Python was built with Visual Studio version 6, and extensions need to be built with the same version of the compiler, but it isn't installed.